Code examples
Highlight assets based on the space that they are in
Spaces and Assets reference each other. This can be used to set the highlight (change the color) accordingly.
Highlight assets and spaces on mouseover
The basic logic:
// Listen to mouse events
floorPlan.on('mousemove', handleMouseMove, floorPlan)
function handleMouseMove(evt) {
const { pos } = evt
// get spaces and assets for the current position
let { spaces, assets } = this.getResourcesFromPosition(pos)
// highlight the corresponding nodes
if (assets.length) assets[0]?.node.setHighlight({ fill: [255, 200, 100] })
Add marker on click
The following example demonstrates the adding a marker on click.
IoT sensor demo, showcasing how to visualize data from external sources
In this case meeting spaces and desks are highlighted based on occupancy data from IoT sensors.
The data updates every 5 seconds.
Access private model
The following example demonstrates how to access a private model from the front end using temporary access tokens.