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Simply put, elements are the layout nodes you can see and touch. They have a geometry and can be nested.
For instance, a kitchen element contains casework elements, which in turn may contain asset elements, such as a sink.

Edge elements

Start and end points are defined by the referenced edge. For walls, the geometry is an extrusion, and the profile is a result of the width, offset parameters and connected walls.
If edges of two walls share the same vertex, they are connected.
Wall elements can contain opening elements.


    "type": "element:wall",
    "edge": <edge-id>,
    "parameters": {
        "height": 2,
        "offset": 0.1,
        "width": 2
    "elements": [
        // optional opening elements

Edge element types

  • element:wall

    The standard linear wall.

  • element:spaceDivider

    Element without geometry, used to divide spaces.

Boundary elements

Defined by boundaries of edges.


    "type": "element:boundaryWall",
    "boundaries": [
        { "edges": [<edge-id>, <edge-id>, <edge-id>] }
    "parameters": {
        "height": 2,
        "elevation": 0

Boundary element types

  • element:boundaryWall

    Polygonal wall, controlled by edges.

  • element:floor

    Bottom geometry for spaces.

  • element:ceiling

    Top geometry for spaces.

Opening elements

Nested inside a wall or slab element.


  "type": "element:opening",
  "parameters": {
    "position": [1, 1],
    "dimensions": [1.5, 1.2]
  "elements": [
    // optional window or door element

Transform elements

For transform elements, semantics and representation is completely decoupled. They are positioned using the standard transform.


    "type": "element:asset",
    "position": [2, 0, -1],
    "rotation": 90,
    "product": <product-id>

Transform element types

  • element:asset

Asset elements, such as furniture or technical equipment, reference a product definition. The representation is completely controlled by the product definition.

  • element:beam

    Linear structural support element.

  • element:casework

    Simple cuboid element that can be used standalone or nested in kitchens.

  • element:column

    Structural element that uses by default an extrusion with variable profiles.

  • element:door

    Flexible element for single leaf, double leaf or sliding doors.

  • element:generic

    General purpose element, with completely customizable geometry.

  • element:kitchen

    Assembly element that combines a number of casework elements with optionally contained asset elements.

  • element:ramp

    Simple element with triangular horizontal extrusion.

  • element:stairs

    Assembly element that combines stairFlight elements and slabs to form various stair configurations.

  • element:stairFlight

    Straight or spiral stair flight.

  • element:window

    Simple element with optionally subdivided glass panels.