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JavaScript Floor Plan SDK guide


This is page documents Floor Plan SDK v3 which doesn't support Space Graph.
Looking for the newer v5 version or migration ?


The Floor Plan SDK enables you to create interactive, customizable floor plan models embedded in your website using JavaScript or TypeScript.

Interactive example ( you can zoom or pan the plan ):


This documentation is designed for people familiar with JavaScript programming. This conceptual documentation is designed to let you quickly start exploring and developing applications with the Floor Plan SDK. There is also an API reference provided.

Hello, World

The simplest way to display a floor plan embedded in your website is the following:


Check the Changelog for new versions.

<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>fpe hello world demo</title>
    #hello-plan {
      height: 100%;
    body {
      height: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
    <div id="hello-plan"></div>
    <script type="module">
      import FloorPlanEngine from '@archilogic/floor-plan-sdk'
      // Create publishable access token at
      const publishableToken = 'd3860d6c-e26e-4934-bd5e-d2f7f707e077'
      const demoSceneId = 'a9aaafdf-d5b6-4b4a-82a0-9efb6d5b155a'
      const container = document.getElementById('hello-plan')
      const floorPlan = new FloorPlanEngine(container)
      floorPlan.loadScene(demoSceneId, { publishableToken })

hello world

Startup Options

The FloorPlanEngine has an optional parameter StartupOptions. See below the various options that can be set through this parameter. The options are passed like the following: new FloorPlanEngine(container, startupOptions)

Options can be changed on runtime using the set method



Make sure to take a look at the code examples


The SDK offers a wide range of theming options.
The startup options playground showcases a lot of variations.

Space can be colored programmatically following the space taxonomy. The following snippet colors all work spaces blue.

const startupOptions = {
  theme: {
    elements: {
      space: {
        program: {
          work: { fill: [214, 234, 248] }
const floorPlan = new FloorPlanEngine(container, startupOptions)
floorPlan.loadScene(demoSceneId, { publishableToken })

Custom room stamp content

3.1.0 +

roomStampDisplay allows to set the properties and their order for all room stamps shown in the floor plan.

The default value is ['usage', 'area']

const startupOptions = {
  theme: {
    elements: {
      roomStamp: {
        roomStampDisplay: ['name', 'customId', 'usage', 'area']
const floorPlan = new FloorPlanEngine(container, startupOptions)
floorPlan.loadScene(demoSceneId, { publishableToken })

To set a custom name or a custom id for a space, you can use the Archilogic Editor.

space name & id

Space label mapping

2.2.0 +

Map space labels by space usage or space id.
Take a look at the space taxonomy for reference.

const startupOptions = {
  spaceLabelMapping: {
    kitchen: '부엌'
const floorPlan = new FloorPlanEngine(container, startupOptions)
floorPlan.loadScene(demoSceneId, { publishableToken })


When the promise returned by loadScene is resolved, we can expect that the resources.spaces and resources.assets arrays are defined and contain the Space and Asset objects placed in the floor plan.
Each space references the assets that it contains by their unique id.
This allows you to know what's in each space.


Sample space:

await floorPlan.loadScene('a9aaafdf-d5b6-4b4a-82a0-9efb6d5b155a', {publishableToken})
floorPlan.resources.spaces[0] = {
  // this references the assets in the space
  assets: [
    "3fe8855a-8215-4e1e-a9fb-144eef373828" // the asset below
  // unique id for the space
  id: "3c45a15b-4016-44e4-bb61-ce0f828b6848",
  // contour of the space
  polygon: [...],
  // assigned usage function
  usage: "openWorkSpace",
  // space category
  program: "work"

visit the API reference for more details


Sample asset:

// get a asset that is referenced by the space above
.find(item => === '3fe8855a-8215-4e1e-a9fb-144eef373828') = {
  // unique id for the asset
  id: "3fe8855a-8215-4e1e-a9fb-144eef373828",
  // product metadata (generic or real)
  name: "Table 160x80x75",
  // multiple assets can have the same product id
  productId: '35fa5b72-b2c2-47bc-ae65-5ea4abf6b17b',
  categories: ['seating'], // product category
  subCategories: ['taskChair'], // product subCategory

Take a look at the product taxonomy for reference
And visit the API reference for more details


2.0.0 +

The FloorPlanEngine instance exposes a few useful events subscribe

floorPlan.on(event, callback, context)

subscribe for one event

floorPlan.once(event, callback, context)


js, callback)


Mouse click or touch event.

Instead of click you can also listen for dblclick

floorPlan.on('click', handleClick)

function handleClick(evt) {
  // returns the plan position, the sourceEvent and if present the id of the node that you clicked on
  const { pos, sourceEvent, nodeId } = evt
  // to get the top resource that was clicked on use the nodeId
  const asset = floorPlan.resources.assets.find(asset => === nodeId)
  // to get all resources for that position use the position
  const { assets, spaces } = floorPlan.getResourcesFromPosition(pos)


Fired when moving the mouse

floorPlan.on('mousemove', handleMouseMove)

function handleMouseMove(evt) {
  const { pos, sourceEvent, nodeId } = evt


Fired when dropping a draggable Element on the canvas

floorPlan.on('drop', handleDrop)

function handleDrop(evt) {
  const { pos, sourceEvent, nodeId } = evt


2.2.0 +

Fired when the current view changes on zoom or pan actions or zoom methods.
The viewbox property will give you the current view's bounding box

floorPlan.on('viewbox', handleViewBox)

function handleViewBox(evt) {
  const { pos, viewbox, zoom } = evt


The SDK provides various zoom methods

Zoom extents

It allows you to zoom to the extent of the scene, with a specified margin using zoomExtents

Zoom to element

You can also zoom into an element (space, asset) with or without animation using the zoomToElement method.

// get an asset
const assetId = floorPlan.resources.assets[0].id
// zoom to the asset with 2m margin and 500ms animation time
floorPlan.zoomToElement(assetId, 2, 500)

Below is an example demonstrating the usage of these methods.

Zoom by factor

2.2.0 +

Zoom the current view by a factor with zoomByFactor
A zoom factor, larger than 1 zooms in, smaller than 1 zooms out

floorPlan.zoomByFactor(1.2, true)

Set zoom

2.2.0 +

Set the view box by providing a bounding box using the setZoom method


Add marker

The addMarker method can be used to add extra information to a given location within the floor plan. It requires the following parameters:

  pos: [7, 2],
  color: '#0c9'


  • pos is the position on the floor plan specified in meters where the info window points
  • width, height specifies the size of the info window

Returns Marker instance

Add info window

The addInfoWindow method can be used to add extra information to a given location within the floor plan. It requires the following parameters:

  pos: [7, 2],
  width: 200,
  height: 80,
  html: '<h1>Note</h1><p>This room has 3 desks</p>',
  closeButton: true


  • pos is the position on the floor plan specified in meters where the info window points
  • width, height specifies the size of the info window
  • html is the user-specified content to be displayed
  • closeButton if true displays a close button

Returns InfoWindow instance

Add Html marker

2.2.0 +

The addHtmlMarker method can be used to add extra information to a given location within the floor plan. It requires the following parameters:

const el = document.createElement('div')
  pos: [7, 2],


  • pos is the position on the floor plan specified in meters where the info window points
  • el is the HTML Element that you want to mount at that position

Returns Html Marker instance

Get resources from position

2.0.0 +

From a given plan position the getResourcesFromPosition methods returns the assets and spaces for that position.

floorPlan.on('click', handleClick, floorPlan)

function handleClick(evt) {
  // returns the plan position, the sourceEvent and if present the id of the node that you clicked on
  const { pos, sourceEvent, nodeId } = evt
  // get a list of assets and spaces for that plan position
  const { assets, spaces } = this.getResourcesFromPosition(pos)
  // proceed by highlighting the resources in focus for instance

Highlight a resource

3.1.0 + Added option to set fillOpacity, outline & outlineWidth

All exposed resources can be colored programmatically node.setHighlight

// get the node of a resource ( asset or a space )
const node = floorPlan.resources.assets[0].node
// use the setHighlight method to temporarily change its color and its outline
node.setHighlight({ fill: [236, 112, 99], outline: [200, 42, 25], outlineWidth: 2 })
// use the same method empty without arguments to reset the color
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)

For a more complex implementation take a look at this example

Save floor plan as image

A method is provided to save the displayed floor plan as either jpg of png image: exportImage

  download: true,
  format: 'jpg'